The following activities and services are provided by the Nursing Division of Wyandot County Public Health. For more information on some of the programs, click on their headlines.

Communicable Diseases

Wyandot County Public Health's role in communicable diseases is to report, control, and prevent the spread of disease through education, screening, surveillance, treatment, and follow up of disease cases that affect Wyandot County residents. Communicable diseases are reported to the Ohio Department of Health through the use of the Ohio Disease Reporting System, a computer web based program. Public health nurses from Wyandot County contact residents with communicable diseases to ensure proper treatment and follow-up.

Annual Communicable Disease Reports

Click the following links to download that year's report on communicable diseases in Wyandot County.

2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013

Ohio Reportable Infectious Diseases, click here to download the latest report.

HIPAA Privacy Policy

Click here to download the Wyandot County Public Health HIPPA Privacy Policy.

Birth Defects

Wyandot County Council for Birth Defects provides assistance to any Wyandot County resident who has been diagnosed with a birth defect. Since 1985, the organization has provided assistance with: adaptive equipment; camp registration; gas vouchers; home modifications; lodging; medication and supplies; and prenatal care. The application process is conducted through the Nursing Division of Wyandot County Public Health.

Call 419-294-3852 to obtain an application or for more information. You can also download an application form by clicking here.

Children with Medical Handicaps (CMH)

CMH was developed to link families of children with special health care needs to a network of child-centered providers and also to assist families in obtaining payment for the medical services their children need. Children ages 0-21 who are permanent residents of Ohio may be eligible for CMH services. Local Public Health Nurses may be contacted for more information.

Head Lice Eradication

Public health nurses provide education to the child and parent/s regarding eradication and prevention of head lice. Nurses will instruct the parent on methods to remove head lice and nits in order for the child to return to school. Appointments are highly encouraged and donations are accepted.

Ohio Buckles Buckeyes Program

Wyandot County Public Health provides child safety seats and booster seats to eligible low-income families through the Ohio Buckles Buckeyes Program for a minimal fee.  The overall goal is to increase the availability of child safety seats for families who could not otherwise afford them and to increase correct installation and proper use of child safety seats.  For more information on this program and how to apply, click here. 

Tuberculosis Testing & Follow-Up

Wyandot County Public Health is designated by the County Commissioners as the Tuberculosis Control Unit for Wyandot County. The health department provides TB testing for clients as a requirement for their employment, school, or by request. Education and follow-up are provided by the public health nurses for individuals who have a significant (positive) skin test. Assistance is available for the payment for chest x-rays, lab tests, and medication for those in need. There is a charge for this test.

Immunization Clinics

Wyandot County Public Health offers immunization clinics in Upper Sandusky and Carey. Please contact the health department at 419-294-3852 during regular hours of operation to schedule an appointment. Our agency's goal is to have 90% of all children "up to date" with their immunizations by the age of 24 months.

Help Me Grow Home Visiting Program

The Help Me Grow Home Visiting Program provides first time expectant or new parents the information and support they need to be prepared for the birth of their child. It provides ongoing education and support for families to maximize their child's health and development up to the age of 3 years old. Trained home visitors work with the families to best support their child's development. They strive to help the families be happy, healthy, and successful.

Tobacco Prevention Education

Wyandot County Public Health receives funding through the Ohio Department of Health for the Community Youth Tobacco Prevention Grant. Efforts are focused on prevention of youth tobacco use in Wyandot County.

Sight For Students

The Vision Service Plan from Prevent Blindness Ohio offers a free eye exam and glasses to qualifying school-aged children who do not receive Medicaid and who are not on some other form of vision insurance plan. Applications are available at the Wyandot County Public Health, or children can be referred to the program through their school's health nurse. More information about this program can be found at

School Nursing

Wyandot County Public Health currently holds the contract for nursing services for the Carey and Upper Sandusky public school systems, Our Lady of Consolation Parochial School in Carey, St. Peter's Parochial School in Upper Sandusky, and Angeline School of Opportunity in Upper Sandusky.

Wyandot County Public Health is nationally accredited through the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). Established in 2007, PHAB is the non-profit organization that administers the national accreditation program, which aims to advance and transform public health practice by championing performance improvement, strong infrastructure, and innovation.
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